What You Think Doesn't Matter
A show where knowledge is power. In the world of criminal justice, it's not what you know or think, it's about what you can prove. What You Think Doesn't Matter is show that will cast doubt in to everything you thought you knew about the Constitution and the Criminal Justice System. Everybody has the right to stand up for themselves when dealing with the criminal justice system, What You Think Doesn’t Matter provides you with that information. Join me every week as i take on a new topic and give you my opinion on the matter based on 20 years of Criminal Justice experience and education. You can follow the show on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Truth Social, and Rumble. https://www.facebook.com/WYTDM www.twitter.com/WYTDM_Official. Email: wytdm@yahoo.com
What You Think Doesn't Matter
87K Tax Agents, Mar-A-Lago, Brittney Griner and more...
Listen in this week as I explain why the approved 87 thousand new Tax Agents need to be armed and what my opinion is on where that proposed budget could be better used. I also talk about the search warrant that was executed at Mar-A-Lago and how the media is misrepresenting the felony conviction clause when it comes to convicted felons running for public office. I also provide a brief explanation regarding 18 USC 793, otherwise known as the Espionage Act and how it relates to the raid. I provide my opinion on the anti-American WNBA player Brittney Griner and why I believe her incarceration is justified, plus an update on a previous episode.
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